
... the page

More than one fifth of the people on earth uses social media - and the numbers is increasing. Social media is interesting to journalists, companies and even the ordinary people who more than ever post their everyday experiences on social media like Facebook, Twitter or even their own blog. The number of bloggers has rounded 400.000.000.

On my blog you will find information graphics about social media and how we use it. My goal is - as a journalist student and passionated social media user - to make you curious, exited, entertained and not least more informed about the life on the internet and social media.

I intend to update the blog several times a week.

... me

My name is Christian Slot. I am 25 years old and studying journalism on 8th semester at Abat Oliba University in Barcelona.

I got my first PC, an Amiga, when I was a kid and I have ever since been interested in technology, coding and - with the entry of the internet - how people use social media.

I am a former editor-in-chief on a big Danish gaming site and I am currently working on my own project about social media tools called Remedier.dk.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me at slot.christian at gmail.com

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