My work

Here you can find some of the work I've done at Abat Oliba University in Barcelona during the course Graphic Design in 2013.

I have changed some of the original colors on the graphs in order to make them fint this blog template.

Labour in The European Union

This is my last piece of work done on Abat Oliba University. It is an infographic about the unemployment in the European Union during the years.

I have tried to sketch out the unemployment rate in the different countries by separating the different countries using colours using a vector map. I try to show the reader, which countries have coped best with the financial crisis so far.

Under the map itself, I've tried to give a historical perspective on unemployment rate in the EU by showing the unemployment rate during the years.

Boston Robbery

The Boston Robbery was one of the biggest art heists in theory, and I was to tell the story as an infographic at my graphic design course at university.

Supplied with data about the Boston Robbery as well as other robberies, I came up with this timeline showing the actual robbery. To the left, the reader gets an overview of the robbery with the numbers explaining what went on during the night.

The graphic itself is feeded with bullets connecting the timeline to the picture.

On the bottom, I tried to explain the biggest heists in history from data I was given. I used frames from pictures to connect the topic to the viewer.

Airplane crashes

What do you do, when you get a bunch of statistics and are told to make an infographic about airplane crashes in the world?

Well, the first thought that came to my mind, was to make an infographic about how bad things look when it comes to airplane crashes.

But, I tried to turn things upside down for a while and looked at the positive things about airplane crashes. Therefore, I came up with the idea of showing the five most fortunate airplane crashes during the last ten years.

I chose blue/bright colors in order to reflect sky/cloud colors, but also to make the text under the picture easy and clear to read.

CV project

This CV was an assignment I was to do during my Graphic design course at Abat Oliba University. With only a few months of training I came up with this idea.

I wanted to create a simple and clear view of who I am. I tried to make a natural hierachy with my carrer experience and skills at the very top of the page. And experimented with several other charts on the rest of the page.

The outcome is to be seen on the left. You might have to open the picture on a new tab or download it in order to see it properly.

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