Monday, December 9, 2013

Boston Robbery

The Boston Robbery was one of the biggest art heists in theory, and I was to tell the story as an infographic at my graphic design course at university.

Supplied with data about the Boston Robbery as well as other robberies, I came up with this timeline showing the actual robbery. To the left, the reader gets an overview of the robbery with the numbers explaining what went on during the night.

The graphic itself is feeded with bullets connecting the timeline to the picture.

On the bottom, I tried to explain the biggest heists in history from data I was given. I used frames from pictures to connect the topic to the viewer.


  1. Hi Christian! I really like your graphic because it is not so dense and the information is clear and easy to understand. I also like the way you represented the 5 biggest art heists because the size has also relation with the value of the stolen piece.
    Great job!

  2. Hi Christian! I love your project,I think is the best one I have seen! Because as Alex sais it is not very dense so everything is very clear and I also like the color background you chose for the musem, it seems stupid saying that but I think is very well chosed!

    1. Hi Alicia. Thanks for the words, it's much appreciated.
