Tuesday, December 10, 2013

How your boss uses social media

We are always told how ordinary people uses social media - and even sometimes we are told, that we should not use social media during our work day.

But how are do the bosses use social media?

The well reputated site Socialcast.org - that brings the latest trends and practices for enterprise social networks - has made an interesting infographic showing how the executives use social media.

Through bar charts and circle charts the grahpic informs the reader in a very clear way. There is some sort of decoration in the background that acually just adds noise to the perception of the message.

Even though i like the diversity in the different charts (bar, circle, text-bullets), I feel that my eyes are not at rest and on the look for an anchor point in the graphic. It lacks some sort of hierarchy.

The space around each chart adds - togeether with the light colors - to the lightness of the infographic itself. It is not necessarily an original infographic, as we have seen the layout and charts numerous of times, but I find the information quite interesting.


  1. I agree with you that this graphic is in lack of a clear achor point, but I don't agree that there is a lack of hierarchy - I think that the red colors in the charts catches my eyes, so I read them first - and then the white ones...

    1. I agree that the red ones catches my eyes first, and I therefore tend to read them first. But what I meant was, that there is no natural hierarchy in the structure of the infographic and therefore I find the structure a bit disordered.
