Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Unemployment in the European Union

Now I have uploaded all my work up to now - and so far analyzed 8 information graphics not made by me. More will follow!

Remember, you can find all work done by me via "My work".

This is my last piece of work done on Abat Oliba University. It is an infographic about the unemployment in the European Union during the years.

I have tried to sketch out the unemployment rate in the different countries by separating the different countries using colours using a vector map. I try to show the reader, which countries have coped best with the financial crisis so far.

Under the map itself, I've tried to give a historical perspective on unemployment rate in the EU by showing the unemployment rate during the years.


  1. Hi Christian. I think you have had a really good idea in this infographic I congratulate you for you well done job, and I really find interesting the graphic you have added in other to provide us the historical unemployment rate in other to make us understand what happened before the crisis in the countries that you have analyzed.

    1. Hi Aleix. Thank you for your post. Yea, I had several opportunities with the data I was given, but I opted for an infographic that was corresponding with the unemployment-map.

  2. Hi, Christian! I like the idea of representing the unemployment map in these three colors, as they are so familiar to us and easily recognizable. I love also the way you show the EU average.
    I encourage you to add aspects that could provide you more originality. Congratulations!

    1. Hi Ariadna. Thanks for your post. I did not think of my infographic as particularly original - as we have seen those kind of infographics before. Thanks for advice, though.

  3. Hi Christian! I think you've done a good job in organizing your graphic because it's very clear and establishes the hierarchy of the information. I also like the fact that you've divided the countries into three different colored groups to make easier to recognize which countries have the worst, the average and the better economical situation. Perhaps I would have made the title to pop out a little bit more, because it doesn't catch the attention as much as the map at a first view. Anyway, good job!
